

2024新澳门原料网大全新澳门宝典成立于2005年,拥有建筑装饰工程设计专项乙级资质及“高新技术企业”称号,公司的核心团队由知名设计师彭征先生以及一百多名职业设计师组成,设计业务涵盖酒店、商业、地产、办公等领域,为客户提供建筑、室内以及软装陈设的一体化设计服务。“共生形态”屡获国际设计大奖,包括2017年德国iF设计(室内建筑类别)唯一金质奖、连续九年蝉联美国室内设计杂志Best of Year Awards金奖、德国红点设计大奖、香港亚太室内设计大奖金奖。


C&C DESIGN CO.,LTD. was founded in 2005 ,and has“Architectural Decoration Engineering Design Discipline Class B Qualification“ and the title of“High-tech Enterprise“ , the core team is composed of famous designer PengZheng and a group of young and smart designers. C&C DESIGN business including hotel, commercial, real estate, office and other fields, and provide customers onestop service,from architecture design,interior design and then to the soft outfit display as a whole. C&C DESIGN has won many international design awards, including iF Gold Award (Interior Architecture-Category)(GER), Interior Design Best of Year Awards(USA),  Red dot Award(GER),Asia Pacific Interior Design Gold Award (HK) etc.

C&C DESIGN CO.,LTD. is growing by the day. The name“commensalism & construct”decide our spirit of compatibility and we are interested in all connotation of this phrase. Nowadays the large-scale,huge and high-speed’s construction state in China,which encourages social design practice.For designers,the opportunity is not only to design a work to affect and change lives,but also dedicated to the shaping process of the face of contemporary China this is the final challenge to the C&C DESIGN CO.,LTD. and other similar work in China .


彭 征

共生形态(C&C DESIGN)创始人、设计总监,高级室内建筑师。广州美术学院艺术设计硕士毕业,现为广州美术学院建筑艺术设计学院客座副教授、实践导师。彭征先生关注城市化进程中的当代设计,思考和践行“共生”的设计哲学,从事建筑、室内、景观等多领域的设计实践,设计作品具有较强的建筑感和现代简约的风格。

荣誉:曾获2017年德国iF设计(室内建筑类别)唯一金质奖,2019意大利IAI全球设计奖金奖,连续八年蝉联美国室内设计杂志Best of Year Awards年度最佳金奖/大奖,2022 WIN Awards 英国《世界室内新闻》杂志大奖金奖获得者,2023 GADA 全球建筑设计大奖金奖,2008-2024亚太区室内设计大奖金奖/大奖获得者。



Peng  Zheng  

Design Director, Founder of C&C DESIGN, Senior Interior Architect. Mr. Peng graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts with a master’s degree in art and design, and is now a visiting associate professor and practice tutor at the School of Architecture, Art and Design of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Mr. Peng Zheng focuses on contemporary design in the process of urbanization, thinks and practices the design philosophy of “symbiosis”, and engages in design practice in various fields such as architecture, interior and landscape, with a strong sense of architecture and a modern and simple style in his design works.

Honors : He was awarded the only Gold Medal of iF Design (Interior Architecture category) in Germany in 2017, Gold Medal of IAI Global Design Award in Italy in 2019, Gold Medal/Grand Prize of Best of Year Awards of American Interior Design Magazine for eight consecutive years, Gold Medalist of World Interior News Magazine Awards in the UK in 2022 WIN Awards, Gold Medalist of Global Architecture Design Awards in 2023 GADA Gold Medalist at the Global Architecture Design Awards (GADA), Gold Medalist at the Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards (APIDA) 2008-2023.

Representative works : Galaxy Sugar-factory Cultural Museum, Club of Poly Eco-city Starry Sky Town, Nankun Crosswater Ecolodge, Time China Headquarters, Midea Property Headquarters, The Guangzhou Asian Games Landscape creative installation design “Kapok Windmills”, Guiyang Midea · Back to 1958, Yuexiu · N+cocity, Macio·g Guangzhou Louvre Flagship Store and so on.

Design concept : focus on the creation of space, focus on the harmonious symbiosis and construction of the design, so that the design is more forward-looking and inclusive.



